Friday, July 10, 2009

West Papua in Indonesian President Election

Jayapura, [opeem] - The Indonesian general election in West Papua carried out under several actions of West Papua people thought flew the flag of Morning Star (West Papua National Flag), and the armed action in the mining route of PT. Freeport, Tembagapura, West Papua.

The flag that was forbidden hard by Indonesia to be flown in the government's Indonesian offices available in Wamena, as well as in the office of KPUD Wamena. In the meantime, in Jayapura, the flag were flown in 6 places. It also happened in Serui.

Moreover, in Timika flag of Morning Star was flown in the PT. Freeport area and troops of TPN/OPM under commander of the Kwalik clique did blocking the road headed towards the area of the mining, Tembagapura. They also burnt the Bus car belonging to Freeport and carried out the attack against the TNI/POLRI. Did not yet have casualties, as well as the Freeport operation still proceeding normal.

According to the chairman of the West Papua National Committee, Victor F. Yeimo, the actions were proof that the people of West Papua wanted the self-determination option, or independent from Indonesia.

Moreover, the people West Papua will continue to carry out the opposition action towards the authority of the Indonesian country to seize the political right.

In the meantime, Papua TV reported that almost all the places of the voting (TPS) empty the voter. Only was seen by several newcomers that was enthusiastic chose.


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